Monday, November 30, 2009

मैं जानूं ना

कैसे घटायें कोई बताये वज़न जो बढ़ता जाए
खाते नहीं हम शक्कर मिठाई फिर भी फरक न पाएं
मैं जानूं ना ...आ..आ..आ..
मैं जानूं ना

ह्म्म्म....मिलता जो फिर ना झड़े हमसे न जाने क्यूँ
बरसों तक ऐसे जुड़े हमसे न जाने क्यूँ
मोटापा ऐसा मिला हमसे न जाने क्यूँ
सदियों तक न बिछड़े हमसे न जाने क्यूँ...ऊँ ..ऊँ...ऊँ... ऊँ...

कैसे घटायें कोई बताये वज़न जो बढ़ता जाए
खाते नहीं हम शक्कर मिठाई फिर भी फरक न पाएं
मैं जानूं ना ...आ..आ..आ..
मैं जानूं ना

गोलाई में देखो
मेरे जो जम गया..आ
निकलता नहीं है
क्या करूं..
ओ.. ओ.. ओ..
जाने क्यूँ ना जाए
क्यूँ सताए बेवजह
मैं दिन भर भी
कसरत जो करूँ
डायटिंग कर के भी
फास्टिंग कर के भी
डम्बबेल वो भारी से
लिफ्टिंग कर के भी
न पिघले
हमसे न जाने क्यूँ

सदियों तक न बिछड़े हमसे न जाने क्यूँ...ऊँ ..ऊँ...ऊँ... ऊँ...

कैसे घटायें कोई बताये वज़न जो बढ़ता जाए
खाते नहीं हम शक्कर मिठाई फिर भी फरक न पाएं
मैं जानूं ना ...आ..आ..आ..
मैं जानूं ना

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Confessions of an eligible bachelor

Let me be alone, let me be free.

Please don’t try to push me.

I am happy as I am without a worry.

I don’t understand what’s the hurry

to find a girl and marry now;

start a new life with her in tow.

I will do it when I want to.

It will happen without much ado.

But for now leave me in peace.

I only request you, please

to let me find one on my own,

to reap the fruits of what I’ve sown.

If I fail I will learn.

To you for help I will turn.

Or, maybe it is meant to be,

ordained by destiny,

that there be none for me;

no joy of matrimony.

But who am I to protest

what God for me thinks best.

I will gladly go by his rule –

Be it praises or ridicule.

But spare me the process

that causes me much distress.

I don’t want to be rejected;

feel unwanted and dejected.

I don’t want to reject anyone;

cause grief and lamentation.

So forgive me, dear Sir and Ma’am,

because this is not who I am.

Have mercy on this poor feller

for a few months, or perhaps a year,

let me be just me - an eligible bachelor.

Monday, June 15, 2009

office की कुर्सी

सरक भी जाए जो ज़मीन
हिल जाए दुनिया सही
अपने दिल के अन्दर ही
डर अपना समेटे रहो
चाहे कुछ भी हो लेकिन
तुम कुर्सी पर बैठे रहो

घर जल्दी क्यों जाओगे
क्या घर संसार निभाओगे
परिवार का ग़म मत करना
आनंद यही पर लेते रहो
चाहे कुछ भी हो लेकिन
तुम कुर्सी पर बैठे रहो

जीना यही व मरना है
तुम्हें काम ही करना है
जीवन के भवसागर में
नाव करम की खेते रहो
चाहे कुछ भी हो लेकिन
तुम कुर्सी पर बैठे रहो

नौकरी का यही सिद्धांत है
तेरे भाग में एकांत है
इसी में अपना मोक्ष जान के
चिता समझ तुम लेटे रहो
चाहे कुछ भी हो लेकिन
तुम कुर्सी पर बैठे रहो

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


you may defeat me
but only just
you might beat me
but only just

it may be setback
but only just
confidence may crack
but only just

i will be afraid
but only just
courage may fade
but only just

'coz i'll resist
and retaliate
to give up easily
is what I hate

So you beware
it's only a matter of time
before you realize
the victory will be mine

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


When you look for agreement,
I nod my head.
when you seem to disagree,
I discard whatever I said.

When you say I am right,
I joyously thump my chest,
but if you ever ask me,
I’d say you are the best.

I love your every idea,
and promise to live it.
When you ask for my services,
I am always ready to give it.

You are my almighty,
I forever take your name,
I know to survive in this world,
I have to play this game.

‘Coz you are my giver,
my provider of food,
but if I ever could,
I would leave you for good.

But you are my boss,
and I have to adore you.
Though I may never reveal it,
I truly abhor you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


As I joined the rat-race
running at a frantic pace
trampling the hapless few
Win was all I wanted to

until I one day found
trampled to the same ground
trapped under crushing weight
of one running to a similar fate


Some days were stormy,
some days were benign.
Some were dark and gloomy,
some full of sunshine.

Soon all that's mine
would vanish without a sign.
But not am I to complain,
'coz all's well that ends up fine.