Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Drenched from head to toe,
beads of sweat begin to show,
the heart beats faster with every breath
exhorting the limbs to fight the flow.

The sky bright and the shining sun,
clouds embellished at the horizon,
the chirping birds, the dancing trees
by a watery gloom were overrun.

The feet moved at a frenetic pace,
the arms extended wanting to raise,
the eyes open wide to catch glimpses of life
as the colour runs off the face.

And as the breath turns into a gasp,
the fists close tight in a bid to grasp,
the thread breaks and the ties are snapped,
from the lap of Life into Death's clasp.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

The Big Bang

One fine day I was told
that the universe is finitely old.
That it was born in a flash,
spawned large clouds of dust and ash.

It was called the Big Bang
and it made a lot of noise.
For some strange reason, I was told,
a matter for everyone to rejoice.

Science called it a triumph
of human mind and intelligence.
The Church pointed to the Bible -
Genesis was divine interference.

I was however perplexed
‘coz there were doubts abound.
If everything emerged post the Bang,
then what before was there to be found?

Indeed if there was something before
from which came everything,
then who put it there, tell me,
or how did it come to being?

Was it a divine creation,
or matter that already existed -
joined together in a tight embrace,
forces of separation that resisted?

If nothing preceded the Bang,
then wherefrom did God appear?
What put Him there in the wilderness,
gave Him our responsibility to bear?

If everything existed as it is
and only modified its state,
then why, pray tell me, must we
this grand catastrophe celebrate?

And so the doubts remain -
agnostic and critical.
Ridiculed by science
and sentenced to burn in hell.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

A mirage or an illusion,
or just my imagination
of a light so distant
that exists for a moment
and quietly fades away.
Sometimes I feel I may
grab it, hold it, or clutch it,
extend my arm and touch it
to feel it's warmth soothing
and the joy it'd bring.
As hard as I try to reach,
"come to me", I beseech,
it mocks me and teases,
does what itself pleases
seeding a doubt within.
My optimism runs thin
and I wonder should I
push myself to try
to catch it and make it mine
it's glow and enchanting shine.
The light fades into dark
to reincarnate as a spark.
A world so surreal
a dream so real.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

ख़ुशी का ग़म

होठों में मुस्कराहट है
आँखों में घुली शरारत है
फिरता दुनिया के मेले में
अपनी तो ऐसी आदत है

रस्ते में हमसफ़र मिले
हँसते हँसते हम संग चले
फैलाते बरसाते सदा
खुशियाँ जितनी हमको मिले

लेकिन जो कोई झांकता
दिल की गहराई मापता
टूटा फूटा सा कोने में
टुकड़ा मिलता एक ख्वाब का

चुभता दिल की दीवारों पर
कर देता घाव दरारों पर
जलता भुनता है दिल मेरा
रखा जैसे अंगारों पर

उम्मीद यही कि हट जाए
ये दर्द कभी तो घट जाए
हर चाह तेरी हर ख्वाब तेरा
दिल से मेरे अब मिट  जाए

ऐसे ही अब जी लेता हूँ
खुशियों से दिल भर लेता हूँ
और परदे में इन खुशियों के
अपने आंसूं पी लेता हूँ

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rules are for fools

Drive on the left, they said,
and let others move ahead.
Be patient at the red light,
respect the pedestrians’ right.

Someone tell them please
to keep their own peace.
Why should I suffer the traffic
when I can break rules at ease?

And if that’s not enough
they say more crazy stuff.
Throw garbage in the pit,
don’t stain the walls with spit,
don’t ever litter on the road,
keep it always clean, I am told.

Why would I even look around
when there is plenty of ground
to throw my stuff on or litter.
And who cares I’m called a spitter!

Stand in the queue, they dictate,
stay patient until your turn and wait.
It will lead to chaos if one strayed
from the procedure well laid.

But what is a little inconvenience
if I get my work done at once.
The chaos, if any, is a small cost.
Either I win or everything is lost.

So, the moral of the story
in all its simple glory
is to forget what’s taught in schools,
break the rules at will
‘coz, my dear, rules are for fools.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


सुहानी शाम के आँचल में
एक खूबसूरत से पल में
झुकी पलकों के परदों से स्वीकार कर ले
पल भर के लिए कोई हमें प्यार कर ले

साँसों की महकती गर्मी से
होठों की सुलगती नरमी से
दिल के उजड़े उपवन में बहार कर ले
पल भर के लिए कोई हमें प्यार कर ले

मीठी मीठी बातों में
लिए हाथ को हाथों में
शहद में घुली हंसी से इज़हार कर ले
पल भर के लिए कोई हमें प्यार कर ले

जहां उसके नाम करूं
ज़िन्दगी तमाम करूं
मुझसे गर ज़िन्दगी में एक बार कर ले
पल भर के लिए कोई हमें प्यार कर ले... ...झूठा ही सही